For Them started as an idea between three friends who, over coffee, decided something had to be done about the way animals are being treated by our society. An important message to share and an urge to take action. One year later, these friends were signing the papers that would turn that dream into a reality: a foundation to raise a voice for the animals.
For Them is a non-profit organization that raises awareness through different movements. First, physical movement. Having a deeply rooted connection to the Yoga philosophy, we share a message of compassion and equality in the āsana classes, workshops, and retreats that we offer so we all begin to refine our perception and observe the coherence between our thoughts, words, and actions. All yoga practices are an incredibly powerful platform to ignite the infinite potential we human beings have for kindness. Ethical vegetarianism has always been a spiritual practice before it became a philosophical movement. Also, creating an artistic movement that seeks to inspire.
In collaboration with different artists, we offer diverse pieces that show the beauty in the message that all lives are equally worthy. Art and all its forms and expressions are such a direct path to the heart, it has a unique way of touching and softening it. Third, through activism. While we want to inspire and uplift, there’s a painful reality that cannot be hidden anymore. We undertake different actions and share facts that need to be understood in order to make an impactful and knowledge-based shift in our habits as consumers. Action calls for action and we must start moving in the direction of change. A change that is necessary for the planet, for the future, for us, but most importantly, for them.
We’ve always had a dream of not only shifting our relationship as a society to animals, but of actually physically giving these animals the opportunity to live a life of freedom and happiness. Dignifying and caring for the animals who have once been considered a product or a number. All profits earned by our foundation are being saved to build an Animal Sanctuary that will provide a home for them. Next to it, a retreat center where we will continue to share Yoga and its message of peace and compassion, and which will offer support for the sanctuary. We know this is a big dream but we have big plans.
ACTIVISM by Rebeca Recatero
Rebeca keeps sharing her liberation practices with the world. She is the founder of ‘For Them’, movements of freedom for the animals, for planet Earth and for you.
She teaches us a responsibility to, in some small way, contribute to alleviate suffering and realign peace and harmony within us all - human beings & animal beings.
Her manifesto
She believes in fierce compassion. She stands up and fights for every animal who is suffering until every animal is free.
She has co-created and supports a community that fosters this liberation and respect to help our entire culture be positively transformed.
She contributes to the awakening of humanity and the promotion of a peaceful message through spiritual and artistic movements and practices.
She strives to inspire through yoga and art to reconsider our relationships with the beings around us and realize how our choices impact their lives. To firmly establish ourselves in an unshakeable non-violence as a way to radically oppose all the existing suffering around the world. May our choices cause the least amount of harm possible. Let’s initiate a movement for peace.
The most essential teaching of Yoga centers around how to become a truly loving person by enhancing the relationship that we have with all living beings around us.
Humility creates the space we need for transformation. We no longer see ourselves as separate, individual beings but we widen the perspective and understand that the desire for happiness and freedom abides in all.
At the heart of these teachings there is an awakening to the reality that our lives inter-are. Compassion arises as we understand that the suffering of one becomes inseparable from the suffering of others. We inevitably see more clearly how the choices of our own lives touch and affect the lives of others.
Whatever we want for our own lives we must be willing to offer to others first.
May all be happy and free. This is a prayer for strength. An invitation to stay open so compassion will arise from within.
That you were born and you will die.
That you will sometimes love enoughand sometimes not.
That you will lie if only to yourself.
That you will get tired.
That you will learn most from the situations you did not choose.
That there will be some things that move youmore than you can say.
That you will live
that you must be loved.
That you will avoid questions most urgently in need of your attention.
That you began as the fusion of a sperm and an egg of two people who once were strangers and may well still be.
That life isn’t fair.That life is sometimes good and sometimes better than good.
That life is often not so good.
That life is real and if you can survive it, well, survive it well with love and art and meaning given where meaning’s scarce.
That you will learn to live with regret. That you will learn to live with respect.
That the structures that constrict you may not be permanently constricting.
That you will probably be okay.
That you must accept change before you die but you will die anyway.
So you might as well live and you might as well love. You might as well love.
All animals are equally worthy and, like us, desire to be loved.
May our compassion become limitless and may our actions not only consider those we know, but those we don’t know as well.
CREATIVE DIRECTION by Laura Prim PHOTOGRAPHY by Laura Prim & Lander Ibarretxe CO-PRODUCTION by Carla Martínez & Rebeca Recatero COPYWRITING by Eva Lucie Daniela.
All rights reserved.